Thursday, September 16, 2010

Still learning to knit...

I have FOREVER been jealous of women that can make special things for their kids, family, and friends. It's never really been a strong suit for me - mostly because if I can't learn it and do it in a 2 hour time span, I lose interest. My life is literally a serious of specifically timed events and if one of them takes longer than planned, I cannot stand it. Running behind is my enemy.

A few years back, I discovered a friend of mine knew how to knit. And she knew how to knit really well. And she wasn't 80 with a lot of cats. She was my age with only one cat and completely awesome. Fast forward a little more, I started dating (and eventually married) her brother so we started seeing each other a lot more and I asked her to teach me how to knit.

My first lesson was almost 2 years ago. To date, I've made a lot of scarves. They're rectangle, fast, easy. I made two blankets that look like a 10 year old made them (I'd like to give my mom and son a shout out for accepting my crude work and swearing they loved it). I can do a total of four stitches. But I get by.

As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I realized that I didn't have enough on my plate - between full time work, full time college, mom, wife, new homeowner, sunday school teacher, and being pregnant life was getting dull. So I decided to make a blanket for my baby. What could be better than me working on something tangible we can see while my body is making something we cannot right?

It's been 4 1/2 months and I have about 1 inch of this blanket done:

It was 4 inches long last week but thanks to a lack of attention on my part, it was destroyed and beyond fixing. I had to tear it out. Then my husband had to spend an hour untangling everything (I called in an Eagle Scout for this! It was SERIOUS!).

This blanket will hopefully be done for the baby by kindgergarten.

I moved on to a new one, its going much quicker :) Because its much easier!

So...we'll see....