A few days late, but with just as much sentiment, Happy New Year to you! I hope everyone had a good one and no one made any resolutions that are just impossible and will make you crabby for the next 2-3 weeks. Me? I made the greatest resolution a few years back and it was the only one that I've ever been able to keep really - no more resolutions. So far, this year is off to a good start too.
I know that people get wrapped up in the newness of the New Year and all of the possibilities facing them, but I personally don't see why we need some sort of uniform date. The motto at our house is based off of the very wise Rob Van Winkle (better known as Vanilla Ice): "If you got a problem, yo - I'll solve it." There's no mention of waiting until January 1st to get started, you got a problem - solve it. Want to lose weight? Do it now. Get out of debt, get to it. Stop smoking? Get cracking (or better yet...never start).

My eyes have been opened to the wisdom of one Rob Van Winkle over the last few months, in part due to my continued love for the early 90's white boy rap of my adolescent years and The Vanilla Ice Project on the DIY Network. The man is more than just a good pair of parachute pants, amazing slanty haircut, and David Bowie ripoff suspect....he's deep. So deep, I'd like to have dinner with the man just to pick his brain.
Have you see this show? By the LOOKS of it, the houses they are working on are about to have their copper pipes ripped out and sold at the local scrap yard for this crew to go get some more tattoos, piercings, and low riding El Caminos.

However, once you're past the initial glance and they start talking you realize that these guys are actually smart and savvy businessmen.
They know how to do things that I'd lose a limb doing. They negotiate high dollar deals, make cost effective decisions to achieve the maximum return on their investment, and they're (sit down and get ready for this one) exemplary role model citizens for the communities that they work in?! Never thought I'd be saying that back in the early and mid-90's - nor during that awkward "Celebrity Rehab" stint with a naked "Mini-Me" and Gary Coleman working with Ice to get him straight. Somehow, somewhere, at some point, the light went off and he made some changes.
Being an over the top rapper, who may be ridiculed but is making way more than the rest of, he's moved into music that he likes to keep his passion going. And into real estate and flipping, to take care of his family. It's shocking and surprising to say the least, but he's rolled with punches. And I don't think he waited for a specified day to do it. I think he woke up one day, realized "Holy Mother of Mary, I'm Vanilla Ice and if I don't make some changes, this life is going to get really bad really fast." It wasn't a monumentous day, announcement, or event. It was a decision that he made on a random day and stuck with. That's how it should be.
I know that people get wrapped up in the newness of the New Year and all of the possibilities facing them, but I personally don't see why we need some sort of uniform date. The motto at our house is based off of the very wise Rob Van Winkle (better known as Vanilla Ice): "If you got a problem, yo - I'll solve it." There's no mention of waiting until January 1st to get started, you got a problem - solve it. Want to lose weight? Do it now. Get out of debt, get to it. Stop smoking? Get cracking (or better yet...never start).

My eyes have been opened to the wisdom of one Rob Van Winkle over the last few months, in part due to my continued love for the early 90's white boy rap of my adolescent years and The Vanilla Ice Project on the DIY Network. The man is more than just a good pair of parachute pants, amazing slanty haircut, and David Bowie ripoff suspect....he's deep. So deep, I'd like to have dinner with the man just to pick his brain.
Have you see this show? By the LOOKS of it, the houses they are working on are about to have their copper pipes ripped out and sold at the local scrap yard for this crew to go get some more tattoos, piercings, and low riding El Caminos.

However, once you're past the initial glance and they start talking you realize that these guys are actually smart and savvy businessmen.
They know how to do things that I'd lose a limb doing. They negotiate high dollar deals, make cost effective decisions to achieve the maximum return on their investment, and they're (sit down and get ready for this one) exemplary role model citizens for the communities that they work in?! Never thought I'd be saying that back in the early and mid-90's - nor during that awkward "Celebrity Rehab" stint with a naked "Mini-Me" and Gary Coleman working with Ice to get him straight. Somehow, somewhere, at some point, the light went off and he made some changes.
Being an over the top rapper, who may be ridiculed but is making way more than the rest of, he's moved into music that he likes to keep his passion going. And into real estate and flipping, to take care of his family. It's shocking and surprising to say the least, but he's rolled with punches. And I don't think he waited for a specified day to do it. I think he woke up one day, realized "Holy Mother of Mary, I'm Vanilla Ice and if I don't make some changes, this life is going to get really bad really fast." It wasn't a monumentous day, announcement, or event. It was a decision that he made on a random day and stuck with. That's how it should be.
So good luck with your resolutions, for me, I'm reveling in my lack thereof and the leave you with one final Rob Van Winkle inspirational thought "Anything less than the best is a felony."
Rob Van Winkle is sure intelligent for his years 43, He sure is DEEPER than anybody realizes. saying that,he is born under astrology-SCORPION and they are deep, and one SMART GUY he IS!!
ReplyDeleteOH BTW, Robis a Man's MAN, I know one thing for sure, I have always have been drawn to ROB, I love to have 1 whole day talking to him,..he is definitely a very passionate man,,and I am positive I would learn alot from Rob!