But I didn't! I went off and had a baby :) She's fine, I'm fine, and life is good now. Glad that the random contractions have stopped, I no longer visit the bathroom every 15 minutes, and I am proud to say that I have been Tums free for over 1 week now!
And the fact that I have a sweet, soft, cuddly, cute as a button little baby girl to snuggle up with every day is pretty darn great too!!
But now, all I can think about is this great big, still somewhat pregnant tummy I have. It took me just over 4 years to get this under control last time...I don't want it to take another 4 years! And now I'm in my 30's, not my 20's! So it could be longer!
So although strict dieting is out for a few weeks still, especially since I am nursing, and I haven't gotten the all clear to exercise, I have been sitting here stewing and investigating my options. I will look ok this summer - I am determined. And NEXT summer is my husband's high school reunion, I have to look super by then :)
I started this by asking the question I consider before many of life's bigger decisions "What would a Kardashian do?" (it might not help me in financial decisions but for those of the vanity variety it never fails!). I was led to the Belly Bandit to get me started. 
Not sure what it is? Basically, one heck of a binding, corset device that gets things back into place and helps aid in shrinking things back down (you can check their site for more info or to order KK's limited edition design www.bellybandit.com). I thought it would be awful - but worth it. Who doesn't want the body of a Kardashian? Well - maybe not Khloe, but the other two? For sure!
I got it. I threw it on. And one week post partum, I look MAYBE 3 months pregnant. I seem to recall looking a good 6 months along for easily the first month or so with my first child. Looking at how things are progressing - with no diet, no exercise, and NO EFFORT I am sure I'll be into my pre-pregnancy clothing by the time that I return to work. I'm geeked. It's comfortable, I keep it on all day and FORGET it is there! I'm hoping it might even help repair some damage from #1 and get some skin back in place - we'll see.
From there though, I'm considering a diet plan and a MODERATE exercise plan. I AM nursing. That is hands down more important to me than any weightloss goal or fabulous pair of pants or the ability to look respectable at the beach this summer. So I'm curious now if anyone who reads this (ya know, both of you...) has done the Weight Watchers program for nursing moms?
I've looked into it on their site and it seems legit and they seem to be working hard to preserve milk supplies while giving mom some weight loss success - so I'm looking for some feedback. Did you do this? Something else? What worked, what didn't, what do you recommened? I'm lonely home with a newborn all day obsessing about my return to milf status this summer...give a momma a hand and leave me some feedback on it :)
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