Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Its Hot and I'm getting there!

Guess what?

It was 80. In Michigan. In March. I had no time for computers - there were walks to take, swings to push, games to play, and rays to soak up.

I got a sunburn. I loved every painful minute of it.

I also found myself down a full pants size as part of "Operation Fit in My Pants"! Good news! I'm sure the extra outdoor time was a part of it and I'm thankful for it.

What else am I thankful for? The app I've got on my phone! This thing is full of diet plans, recipes, and nutritional information for thousands of foods! With one search I can find what I want, put in my serving size, and keep track of myself. And if I'm feeling far too lazy to type, the app has a barcode scanner as well. This thing gives me no room for my usual excuses for diets failing.

I love that I can put in my information and have it help me determine the right caloric intake for my body based on my goal, current weight and activity levels. It's working.

I have tried endless amounts of diets over the years and failed. I've got Atkins, SouthBeach, Yoga Booty Ballet, and a million other fads all over this house - but so far, MyFitnessPal is the only thing thats worked.

So I'm down a pant size. And I'd like to go down 1 more. Maybe 2 ;) Nothing drastic. And I'm making long term changes to how I eat and my habits, so once I'm there - I am not leaving skinny minny land for dumpy mom land ever again!

Looking for a similar goal? Go get this app! Get off your couch! And change your life!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Working momma rocking dinner :)

I work. A lot. I mostly manage to skip lunch hours and bring work home to do after the kids are in bed so I can spend time with them and not just be a myth in their childhoods (I'm tired, but I'll sleep when my nest is empty!). Most of the time, I think I balance it well. Sometimes I feel guilty but I think the guilt means I'm doing things right - it'd be a real problem if I didn't care, right?

But, no matter what. Seven days a week my family sits down at the table, at the same time, and we eat. And laugh, and talk, and sometimes argue (you DO have to eat the vegetables and keep your elbows off table!) but we have some good times.

I'm blessed - really blessed - that my husband is willing and able to step up and make the meals so we can do this a bit more efficiently during the week. Weekends are usually Momma's domain. Sometimes though, I throw them for a loop and make dinner when I get home from work. Leaving me pressed for time. And this recipe? We love it. And its easy. And a little outside of the box which makes me feel happy!
Goldfish chicken!

Honestly, no clue where I got this. I've been cooking it for about 6 years and never got a complaint! And when MY six year old will eat an entire meal without a whine? "Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!"

Try it - you'll like it (kid cooks can help a bit too):

What you need:

2 cups goldfish crackers (we like flavor blast cheddar but we've played with them all and love them. The flavor blast ones were best)
1 1/2 cups ranch dressing
1 lb chicken tenders
Prepped baking dish (greased) - 9x13 should do it

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

1. Smash those little fishes into itty bitty little bits and crumbs (kid chefs do good work!), then pour into a bowl
2. In separate bowl, pour ranch
3. dredge chickn through ranch
4. roll in the goldfish to coat
5. place in baking dish

Bake them for 20-30 minutes and SERVE!

(I forgot to take a picture. We were hungry! Just imagine them cooked and yummy and my kids smiling as they eat it!)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I know what we're going to do today...

Make a Perry the Platypus cake! Easy right!?
Actually. It is.
I almost fell over when my son declared he wanted a Perry the Platypus birthday cake. I'm sure you're all familiar with him (especially if you have a 6 year old) but in case you're not, here he is in all of his glory:
Yeah. No small task. I searched Pinterest, baking blogs, Disney blogs, and anywhere else I could think of and I found the GREATEST Perry tutorial ever. So easy, I could do.
This site was a life saver. I've never worked with fondant before really so it was good. There were a TON of great tips too - not just for this cake. Really, if you want to fondant - check her out!!!
I made a few changes from her post because I didn't have time to make fondant and I couldn't find the tootsie rolls she mentions. I also took her advice and made more of a grassy like base, instead of her cute jelly bean one.
Wilton Mashmallow Fondant is great. I know, I know - through my blog surfing I saw a lot of people who swear by making their own. And good for them, I'm sure they're cranking out an awesome recipe that is super yummy - but I am simply a far too busy mommy who wanted to wow her kid at his party.
I saw this stuff at Michael's for about $8 a box, $7.50 at JoAnn's (where I got mine) and then a few days after the party, I saw it at my Meijer grocery store for $6! You can guess where I will go next time.
This fondant was reall easy to wok with, color, and spread onto the cake. For a beginner, it was a lifesaver and really forgiving. So if you are trying this, or anything else, just remember "Wilton Fondant will save my novice butt and make me a superstar!"
Moving on, I baked the cakes like the blog said, the used rice krispie treats to create the shapes for his eyes, legs, beak (is that what it called?), and his tail. Different than the blog but it felt a little more stable and, being a clumsy newbie to this, my best bet.
I did a dry run to make sure the sizes were ok:
And I thought it looked good. I dirty iced it from there, wrapped the body in blue and the legs/beak/tail in an orange-yellow tone.
I decided the eyes would be better made of just fondant, so I rolled up some white for that. I reserved some fondant and colored it black for hair and pupils, and VOILA!
Perry the Platypus!
And he was definitely the star of the show at the party with some fun candles!
So don't be scared! Do some homework, think it out, and amaze them!